Hospital Pharmacy Management

Leading the future of pharmacy with better care and better service through innovation.

The CompleteRx Difference

Our Process and How It Works

CompleteRx provides a tailored solution to managing your pharmacy in the complex hospital environment. Our roster of experienced subject matter experts provides customized solutions and data-driven insights to address every aspect of your pharmacy’s performance. Our objective is to provide you and your team actionable data, dedicated account support, and industry-leading best practices to help you achieve your strategic goals faster and with improved results. 

Complimentary Assessment

It all starts with a thorough and detailed assessment of your entire pharmacy. After completing a brief questionnaire and providing CompleteRx with some basic pharmacy financial and purchasing data, a team of CompleteRx experts will work with you to coordinate an onsite assessment that evaluates all aspects of current hospital pharmacy operations and services. 

Our team then delivers a review of findings that includes:

  • Drug savings opportunity estimates
  • Labor savings opportunity estimates
  • Potential patient safety, compliance, and regulatory risks
  • Pharmacy revenue enhancement opportunities

CompleteRx will present a partnership plan that is tailored to your needs.

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hospital pharmacy management

A Holistic Approach

Our network of board-certified pharmacy professionals integrates with your pharmacy team, partnering together to implement best practices, performance improvement projects, training programs, and any other solutions that make sense for your organization.

Upon partnering with CompleteRx a dedicated account representative will work with your team to identify your key goals and objectives and afterward develop an individualized implementation and support plan. 

For mutual transparency and accountability, we schedule regular business reviews to provide hospital administrators with progress updates and evaluate pharmacy performance utilizing CompleteRx’s proprietary business intelligence reporting systems.

Where We Fit In

Patient Care Programs

Implement Programs That Elevate Patient Care

Ensuring positive patient outcomes and safety is an ongoing challenge for hospital pharmacies. CompleteRx provides a range of customized programs designed to promote safety and enhance overall patient care.

How We Help

Our clinical pharmacy patient programs work to integrate pharmacists into patient care teams to promote evidence-based prescribing adherence ensuring your patients receive cost-effective drug therapy. Pharmacists also assist in providing expert medication management dosing and monitor services to help improve outcomes and minimize adverse medication events.

Our clinical pharmacy patient programs work to integrate pharmacists into patient care teams to promote evidence-based prescribing adherence ensuring your patients receive cost-effective drug therapy. Pharmacists also assist in providing expert medication management dosing and monitor services to help improve outcomes and minimize adverse medication events.

We design and implement effective processes for medication reconciliation aimed at maintaining accurate and up-to-date medication lists, minimizing the likelihood of medication errors during care transitions.

CompleteRx assists in developing and maintaining a cost-effective formulary. Using our proprietary business intelligence tools, CompleteRx subject matter experts identify formulary savings and safety opportunities which are presented to your medical staff for consideration. Upon medical staff approval, CompleteRx works to implement formulary changes to ensure the medication needs of your patients are met while controlling costs.

CompleteRx specializes in implementing and optimizing a wide variety of patient care programs to help ensure appropriate medication use upon discharge to improve compliance and minimize readmission.  Example programs include patient medication education and the implementation of  Meds to Beds programs. We prioritize patient safety and well-being at every step of the healthcare journey.

Patient Safety & Quality

Prioritize Patient Safety and Enhance Their Well-Being

Achieving positive patient outcomes is paramount. The challenge of delivering cost-effective quality care delivered through efficient, safe, and compliant medication prescribing, dispensing, and administration systems poses challenges.

How We Help

We foster a patient-centric culture of safety within hospital pharmacies to actively identify and resolve patient safety issues related to medications.

We foster a patient-centric culture of safety within hospital pharmacies to actively identify and resolve patient safety issues related to medications.

Our comprehensive program focuses on continuous quality improvement, addressing deficiencies, and implementing proactive measures to enhance overall patient care. At CompleteRx we believe it is equally important to learn from patient harm events and near misses through the use of root cause analysis and sharing of best practices identified through our pharmacy network.

CompleteRx adheres to best practices outlined by the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP), ensuring that pharmacies stay current with the latest guidelines for safe medication use.

Technology such as SMART pumps and Bar Code Verification Systems can help ensure patient safety. CompleteRx pharmacy informatics and clinical experts help to ensure databases and infusion protocols are kept current to help reduce the risk of errors and enhance patient safety.

Our surveillance programs address adverse drug reactions, medication error reporting, and medication override monitoring to help hospital pharmacies proactively identify and address potential issues that could affect patient safety and the quality of their care.

Accreditation & Compliance

Expertly Navigate the Complexities of Accreditation and Compliance

Keeping up with new regulations and medication management standards is increasingly demanding, given the varying requirements of multiple governing and regulatory agencies. The experts at CompleteRx understand the intricate landscape and can provide invaluable support to your team with specialized services.

How We Help

CompleteRx provides extensive support to hospital pharmacies, ensuring readiness for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) accreditation and compliance with Board of Pharmacy requirements. Our team performs an annual accreditation readiness assessment at all locations using a fresh-eyes approach. This helps identify and correct deficiencies prior to a survey to ensure continuous accreditation readiness.

CompleteRx provides extensive support to hospital pharmacies, ensuring readiness for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) accreditation and compliance with Board of Pharmacy requirements. Our team performs an annual accreditation readiness assessment at all locations using a fresh-eyes approach. This helps identify and correct deficiencies prior to a survey to ensure continuous accreditation readiness.

Our diversion monitoring programs help hospitals identify and proactively prevent potential diversion issues, ensuring compliance with regulations and safeguarding against risks.

We provide expertise in complying with the Drug Supply Chain Security Act, helping hospital pharmacies meet the necessary standards for securing the pharmaceutical supply chain.

CompleteRx helps hospital pharmacies stay abreast of evolving regulations and provides guidance on implementation to minimize diversion and comply with federal rules.

We assist hospital pharmacies in meeting the highest standards for patient safety and quality by training staff and ensuring policies, procedures, and documentation requirements meet current sterile and hazardous compounding standards. 

– What Our Clients Say –

I have been working with CompleteRx for 12 years. We needed to bring in experts to manage our operations, and they helped us improve our bottom line tremendously. They are excellent in their assessment and deliverables - and true partners.

I am so very grateful to the entire [CompleteRx] team for the professionalism and expertise you brought forward today and through the week. The [pharmacy] team is going to be equipped with the tools they need as we move forward, and that offers the greatest relief. From a safety standpoint, I am astonished that you were able to get here so quickly and implement a substantial degree of change. Thank you all so very much!

I would like to extend our thanks to you and your team following our [pharmacy performance] assessment. I have been involved with many operational assessments over the years, and I would have to say that this one was, by far, the most relaxed.

Team Engagement

Grow a Thriving and Successful Team

Building and maintaining an engaged workforce improves productivity and employee retention. Whether you’re facing a loss in pharmacy leadership, high turnover rates, struggles with interdepartmental relationships, or a lack of training and development opportunities, CompleteRx can help build an engaged pharmacy team.

How We Help

CompleteRx helps you find and develop pharmacy leadership to ensure a strong and stable foundation within the hospital pharmacy.

CompleteRx helps you find and develop pharmacy leadership to ensure a strong and stable foundation within the hospital pharmacy.

We provide training and development resources to ensure team members have the skills they need to excel in their roles.

We collaborate with your hospital pharmacy to develop and execute strategic plans to help ensure alignment with organizational objectives. Strategic departmental goals are then aligned at an individual level to ensure all employees understand how their efforts contribute to the overall success of the organization.

We provide managers with leadership training and tools to help them coach and manage employees to their full potential. This also includes pharmacy manager networking opportunities such as monthly directors meetings and participation in CompleteRx’s annual face-to-face leadership development meetings. The tools, coaching, and training provided to CompleteRx Directors of Pharmacy, Clinical Managers, and Buyers help to build and grow their technical and managerial skill sets.

Operational Efficiency

Utilize a Customized Approach to Make Your Hospital Pharmacy More Efficient

Hospital pharmacies struggle with significant challenges in operational efficiency, with issues ranging from order processing and filling prescriptions to the need for effective automation management. CompleteRx understands these challenges and provides comprehensive support with tailored solutions that address key areas for optimizing efficiency.

How We Help

Our expertise extends to optimizing pharmacy operations, streamlining processes for efficiency, and enhancing overall workflow to meet the demands of a dynamic healthcare environment.

Our expertise extends to optimizing pharmacy operations, streamlining processes for efficiency, and enhancing overall workflow to meet the demands of a dynamic healthcare environment.

CompleteRx provides supplemental resources and subject matter expertise to support major pharmacy projects such as automated dispensing technology installations, health information system upgrades, and clean room remodeling.  CompleteRx guides you through initiatives ensuring projects are implemented on time and within budget.

CompleteRx deploys best practices to streamline workflows and leverage technology to reduce order processing turnaround times and improve medication access.

Our expertise in automation management helps hospital pharmacies leverage technology for tasks such as medication dispensing and inventory management.

We offer strategies to reduce waste, such as optimizing inventory levels and minimizing expiration losses.

CompleteRx assists in employing best practices and technology solutions to optimize staffing levels and workflow, leading to increased productivity without compromising quality.

Financial Stewardship

Optimize New Solutions for Financial Excellence

With financial challenges that range from escalating drug costs to labor and staffing shortages, effective cost containment and the identification of new revenue streams have become paramount. CompleteRx is committed to helping hospitals achieve their financial objectives through a range of services.

How We Help

We help you optimize the revenue cycle, including Charge Description Master (CDM) management, pre-authorization processes, and reimbursement strategies, ensuring hospitals capture revenue.

We help you optimize the revenue cycle, including Charge Description Master (CDM) management, pre-authorization processes, and reimbursement strategies, ensuring hospitals capture revenue.

CompleteRx maximizes cost control in pharmacy operations by implementing expense control strategies, including drug cost control programs, inventory management, automation dispensing optimization, and labor expense controls.

CompleteRx can maximize the benefits of the 340B Drug Pricing Program, helping hospitals find cost savings on drugs and expand access to affordable medications.

Ready to Revolutionize the Way Your Hospital Pharmacy Runs?